
2.意大利面和中国面吃法有什么不一样吗?用英文表达 100字左右

3.英文pasta spaghetti的区别 求图







你好, 裁覚


Well, it tastes like tons of stones dropped on your tongue, making your tongue stiff ,and you'll wish you've never tried it. That is what we call it Pasta .

Pasta (Italian for "dough") is a generic term for Italian variants of noodles, food made from a dough of flour, water and/or eggs, that is boiled.

Pasta is made from a simple combination of flour and water. Pre-packaged speciality pasta often includes spices, cheese or added coloring from spinach, tomatoes or food dye.

Pasta is generally served with some type of sauce, and the sauce and the type of pasta is usually paired together based on consistency, ease of eating etc, much in the same way round buns are used for hamburgers and long buns are used for hotdogs in the US.

意大利面和中国面吃法有什么不一样吗?用英文表达 100字左右


茄汁肉酱意大利面  所属菜系:意大利餐 面包甜点








General pasta

Ketchup meat pasta [their cuisine: Italian meal bread, dessert

Material: tomatoes 3 (a deep fry sauce), 10 g onion, butter, basil (hold), black pepper, salt, sugar, chicken, pasta, mushrooms, ham, green peppers


1, melt the butter in the pot with a slow fire, open fire, into the chopped onion, Stir the fragrance, pour the tomatoes small stir fry.

Out the soup 后加入罗勒, black pepper, salt, a little sugar and chicken, stirring constantly fire the soup into the sauce dries up.

3, the pot and pour in the water heating, put a little salt until the water is cooked and then tips on Italian bread bagging time over the cold water, dry control water, pour a little cooking oil in the face of agitation to oid adhesions.

4, pot, pour a little oil until the oil sevenths hot, add mushrooms, ham and green pepper Stir the fragrance, pour just fried good tomato sauce and pasta, stir fry evenly in the pot This well


英文pasta spaghetti的区别 求图

意大利面配橄榄、辣椒、续随子、凤尾鱼、番茄酱 Spaghetti with Tomatoes, Olives, Capers, Hot Peppers and Anchovies只要家里储藏的食材种类丰富,再加上一点点创新精神,您就可以做出各式各样的意大利面。今天介绍的这种意大利面酱汁浓郁醇厚。不过芳名却有点不雅,意大利语里叫作spaghetti alla puttanesca (烟花女酱汁意粉),据说源于南部的那不勒斯地区。 食材:1罐28盎司的番茄酱 2汤匙初榨橄榄油 2至4条凤尾鱼(用于调味),在水中浸泡15分钟后沥干、剁碎 2至3瓣蒜瓣,切碎 1小个干辣椒,捏碎,或1/4茶匙红辣椒切片(口味重的可以增加用量) 1/2茶匙干牛至 2汤匙续随子,煮好后沥干,用冷水稍微冲洗 8个黑橄榄,去核,每个切成四片 盐和现磨的胡椒粉 3/4磅意大利面 2汤匙新鲜的芫荽末(可选项) 1/4杯研碎的意大利硬干酪 做法: Step 1. 将一大锅水放在炉灶上,点火,准备用来煮意大利面。 Step 2. 在平底煎锅(最好是不粘锅)里倒入橄榄油和凤尾鱼,用中火加热。等到凤尾鱼开始咝咝作响时,便可以用木勺翻炒。慢慢用木勺把凤尾鱼碾碎,直到它们化入橄榄油里。加入蒜瓣和辣椒,炒半分钟到一分钟。一旦大蒜变得半透明并且香气四溢时,即可加入番茄酱、盐和牛至。翻炒并将火调大。待到番茄酱开始咕咕冒泡时,倒入续随子和橄榄,将炉火调回中火煮15至25分钟,时不时搅动一下,直至变稠。尝一尝咸淡,撒上一点现磨的胡椒粉。煮意大利面的同时注意给调好的酱汁保温。 Step 3. 煮面的水烧开后加入1汤匙盐和意大利面,遵照包装上建议的时间将面条煮至筋道弹牙。最好是在规定时间前的一两分钟就看看面条是否已经煮透。如果嫌酱汁太稠,可以用至多1/4杯面汤将其稀释。将煮好的意大利面倒入盛满酱汁,撒上芫荽(也可以不加)的煎锅在中火上翻炒,直到面条上蘸满浓浓的酱汁。然后,就可以装盘上桌了。至于意大利干酪粉,则应单独提供,以便需要的人自己酌量添加。


spaghetti (意大利式细面条?)是 pasta (意粉) 的一种。

spaghetti ? 有一种特定性状,它是细长的。 但 ?pasta ?只是意大利面条的总称,包括许多不同种类和形状。

下面图中有三种 ?pasta 只有中间的细长的是 ?spaghetti

我很喜欢吃 意大利粉的!! 希望可以帮到你!

All about pasta

The word "pasta" is Italian for paste, meaning a combination of flour and water.

Pasta is made with semolina, which is produced by grinding kernels of durum wheat. (Sometimes other hard wheats are also used but I only buy pasta made from durum wheat. It is far superior.)

The semolina is mixed with water until it forms a dough. If any other ingredients are being added to the pasta, such as eggs to make egg noodles, or spinach or tomato to make green or red colored pasta, those ingredients are added during the mixing process.

The dough is kneaded until it reaches the correct consistency, and then it is pushed through a metal disc with holes in it. The size and shape of the holes in the disc determine what the shape of the pasta will be.

The pasta then goes through large dryers which circulate hot, moist air to slowly dry the pasta.

Because different pasta shapes (there are over 600) vary in degrees of thickness, they dry each type for different lengths of time. Most take about 5 or 6 hours to dry.

The dried pasta is then packed in bags or boxes, ready for market.