
2.英语翻译菜名(需专业人士 有追加分)


4.急求 宫保鸡丁的来历 英文版




一是糖醋里脊 Sweet and Sour Pork,老外说这是他们最喜欢的中国的口味,他们特别喜欢那种糖醋里脊的那种酸甜的,先炸过,裹粉炸过之后有一点酸甜的汁。酸甜混合的味道加上明亮鲜艳的外表,相信任谁都无法轻易拒绝。

二是宫保鸡丁Gong Bao Chicken,凭借着这道菜的特色辣中有甜,甜中有辣,鸡肉的鲜嫩配合花生的香脆,入口鲜辣酥香,红而不辣,辣而不猛,肉质滑脆。在外国人眼中是无法拒绝的一道菜肴,在我国它更是很多人吃饭必点的经典。一位外国小哥在教授如何应付英语四六级考试作文的课堂上说:不管是什么题目都可以事先背一段宫保鸡丁的文段写进去。他还表示自己非常非常喜欢吃宫保鸡丁,认为宫保鸡丁可以搞定一切。

三是春卷 Spring Rolls,有外国人说道:“我不知知道他们以前是否用手接触食物,但是我知道,他们现在很多之前需要用手接触的食物,现在都会套上塑料手套,或者塑料袋子。当你试着拿起一个春卷的时候,你可能会觉得有点油,我建议你在和自己亲密的朋友之间可以用手,随心所欲地吃,但是在正式场合你不会用筷子,那就去餐馆要一把刀叉。"

四是麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Bean Curd,一位名叫Ernesto Romero的网友说到我很喜欢这道菜,特别是它具有麻,辣,鲜,香,烫的五大特点。有机会我会回到我的国家尝试自己去做。

五是饺子 Dumplings,有外国网友说道:饺子最大的优点是能让我从面粉中获得其他营养的食物,我不需要吃一份面食还有多蔬菜,让我的盘子像小山一样。吃西餐的时候我们经常这样做,一些培根、鸡蛋、面包片、烤牛肉。一份饺子往往足够了,它有足够的蔬菜和肉面粉。









鸡胸肉 土豆 青椒(如果你和小新的口味一样,此原料可以省略) 郫县辣酱 料酒 醋 糖 甜面酱 盐 鸡精







Gongbau Jiding, Szechwan traditional a vegetables.由鸡 ? ⒏衫苯贰⒒ㄉ?椎瘸粗贫?伞The legend is a house kitchen that late Ching dynasty temple protect the D treasure 桢 to create the system but get.The characteristics is a fresh joss-stick delicate, hot but not 燥 , take slightly sweet acerbity way.

The D treasure 桢 is an even and far( now 织 gold) person in expensive state, pure and salty and plentiful enter the private, pay attention to the cooking, a Shandong cruises the 抚 , once employ a kitchen several artificial house kitchen, pay to often he" fry the chicken cube" a vegetables.Adjust behind an a term Szechwan governor of province, usher in this vegetables then Szechwan, with love Szechwan the hot custom combine together, and take into the improvement, with this the guest of 宴 , times are popular.The empress 烹 system method reveals out, adopt the management for the restaurant.The D treasure 桢 hads been sealed by the Manchu Dynasty to is little for prince to protect( the your respectful name temple protects), this vegetables was named after the " Gongbau Jiding" by the person.He become popular the whole country now.The species of every locality slightly contain difference, also evolve chicken cube as the temple of the meat D protect the meat Class D.

Raw material:Delicate 仔 chicken 脯 meat 250.Adjust to anticipate:Shelled peanut, refined sugar, vinegar, sauce, monosodium glute, broth, wet starch, wild pepper, ginger, garlic, spring onion end, salt, sauce, anticipate the wine.

Method for making:Take the delicate 仔 chicken 脯 meat, clap the meat to pine, on the 剞 3 millimeters of squares of ten word wood grain, cut into the small piece of 2 more 厘 rice square, add the salt, sauce, wet starch mix evenly.The shelled peanut goes to the skin after frying the familiar 晾 is cool, will pit to the red pepper cut into 2 the segment that the rice of 厘s grow.Puts the refined sugar, vinegar, sauce, monosodium glute, broth, wet starch to adjust in bowl together the juice of 芡 .The clean pot adds the bottom oil burns hot, first next into wild pepper, get the wild pepper after frying the flor, descend into the red pepper segment fry quickly palm tree red, put into the chicken cube fry to spread, 烹 into anticipate the wine fry once, then affiliation the ginger, garlic, spring onion end fries the flor, pouring in to season the juice of 芡 soon, juice 沸 affiliation shelled peanut, the 颠 turns over to fry the 匀 namely.

The temple of ◆ explodes the chicken cube

Raw material:

The chicken breast soil bean green pepper( if you are similar to small new taste, this raw material can abridge) the chili sauce of 郫 County anticipates the sweet in sugar in vinegar in wine sauce salt chicken 精

Way of doing:

1)The chicken breast washes cube clearly to put into an inside, pouring into the few anticipating the wine with the sauce, then put into the some starch mix blend even, back up.

2)The green pepper washes pit clearly to, by hand 掰 small piece, do not use the knife slice.

3)An inside pours into the oil, treating 9 hot time, put in to slice soil bean piece, fry the familiar empress the prosperous outing the back up.

4)An inside stays the oil, putting into the few the chili sauce of 郫 County fry the flor, putting into the spring onion 煸 fry, pouring into later on the chicken cube turn over to fry to take off to living.继续放入土豆丁和青椒 ?Adjust into the vinegar one by one in order, sugar, few and sweet sauce with salt, turn over to fry the familiar empress, the 撒 chicken 精 outs pot then.

Remarks:This line vegetables vegetables, must explode to fry with the fire!

英语翻译菜名(需专业人士 有追加分)


西湖醋鱼West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gry

麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu

宫保鸡丁Kungbao chicken





一、 以主料开头的翻译原则

1、 介绍菜肴的主料和配料:主料(名称/形状)+ with + 配料。如:白灵菇扣鸭掌 Mushrooms with Duck Feet

2、 介绍菜肴的主料和配汁:主料 + with/in + 汤汁(Sauce)。如:冰梅凉瓜 Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce

二、 以烹制方法开头的翻译原则

1、 介绍菜肴的做法和主料:做法(动词过去式)+主料(名称/形状)。如:火爆腰花 Sautéed Pig's Kidney

2、 介绍菜肴的做法、主料和配料:做法(动词过去式)+主料(名称/形状)+ 配料。如:地瓜烧肉 Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes / 干豆角回锅肉 Sautéed Spicy Pork with Dried Beans

3、 介绍菜肴的做法、主料和汤汁:做法(动词过去式)+主料(名称/形状)+ with/in +汤汁。如:京酱肉丝 Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce / 雪蛤海皇羹 Snow Clam and Scallop Soup

三、 以形状或口感开头的翻译原则

1、 介绍菜肴形状或口感以及主配料:形状/口感 + 主料。如:脆皮鸡 Crispy Chicken

2、 介绍菜肴形状或口感、做法及主配料:做法(动词过去式)+ 形状/口感 + 主料 + 配料。如: 小炒黑山羊 Sautéed Sliced Lamb with Pepper and Parsley

四、 以人名或地名命名的菜肴翻译原则

1、 介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)和主料:人名(地名)+ 主料。如: 麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce) / 广东点心 Cantonese Dim Sum

2、 介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)、主配料及做法:做法(动词过去式)+ 主辅料+ + 人名/地名 + Style。如: 北京炒肝 Stewed Liver, Beijing Style / 北京炸酱面 Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijing Style

五、 菜单英文译法中汉语拼音的使用原则

1、具有中国特色的且也被外国人接受的传统食品,本着推广汉语及中国文化的原则,使用汉语拼音。如:饺子 Jiaozi

2、 具有中国特色的且被外国人接受的,但使用的是地方语言拼写或音译拼写的菜名,仍保留其拼写方式。如:豆腐 Tofu / 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken / 杂碎 Chop Suey / 馄饨 Wonton / 烧麦 Shaomai

3、中文菜肴名称无法体现其做法及主配料的,使用汉语拼音,并在后标注英文注释。如:佛跳墙 Fotiaoqiang--Steamed Abalone with Shark’s Fin and Fish Maw in Broth (Lured by its delicious aroma even the Buddha jumped over the wall to eat this dish.) / 锅贴 Guotie (Pan-Fried Meat Dumplings) / 窝头 Wotou(Steamed Black Rice or Corn Bun)/ 蒸饺 Steamed Jiaozi (Steamed Dumplings) / 油条 Youtiao (Deep-Fried Dough Sticks) / 汤圆 Tangyuan (Glutinous Rice Balls) /咕噜肉 Gulaorou (Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat) /粽子 Zongzi (Glutinous Rice Wred in Bamboo Lees) / 元宵 Yuanxiao(Glutinous Rice Balls for Lantern Festival) / 驴打滚儿 Lǘdagunr(Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour)/ 艾窝窝 Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing) / 豆汁儿 Douzhir (Fermented Bean Drink)

六、 菜单中的可数名词单复数使用原则

菜单中的可数名词基本使用复数,但在整道菜中只有一件或太细碎无法数清的用单数。如:蔬菜面 Noodles with Vegetables / 葱爆羊肉 Sautéed Lamb Slices with Scallion

七、 介词in和with在汤汁、配料中的用法

1、 如主料是浸在汤汁或配料中时,使用in连接。如:豉汁牛仔骨 Steamed Beef Ribs in Black Bean Sauce

2、 如汤汁或蘸料和主料是分开的,或是后浇在主菜上的,则用with连接。如:海鲜乌冬汤面 Japanese Soup Noodles with Seafood

八、 酒类的译法原则


急求 宫保鸡丁的来历 英文版


鸡肉(一般选用鸡脯肉或者鸡腿肉)300克,炸熟的花生米50克,黄瓜, 干红辣椒20克,花椒2克,酱油20克,陴县豆瓣酱、姜片,生粉,鸡蛋一个、葱段、生姜粒、料酒、白糖(一丁点)。












特点:成菜色泽金黄,鸡肉鲜嫩,花生米香脆,咸辣略带酸甜 Material:

Chicken (usually use chicken breast or thigh meat) 300 grams, 50 grams of Zhashu of peanut, cucumber, dry red pepper 20 grams, 2 grams of pepper, soy sauce 20 grams, parapet County bean paste, ginger, raw powder , eggs, 1, scallion, ginger tablets, cooking wine, sugar (a little bit).


Preparation phase:

1. The chicken to the ribs, cutting crosswise knife, cut into Xiaoding (not much), loaded bowl add soy sauce, salt, cooking wine yards taste, together with the egg a bit stand-sheng powder mix well.

2. With soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, MSG, broth, water, transferred into Qianfen soybean meal (not too strong).

3. Dried red pepper seeded remove stalks, cut into sections (lazy can not cut).

Attachment: peanuts with warm water for a while, with deep-fried crisp (note the furnace, cold oil the pot, do not wear, and rather than hing Tsui).

The pot:

4, pan fried to five mature, the next dry chili, pepper, fish out the chicken into the causal (time not too long, because to maintain the tender and succulent),

5, leing a little oil in the pot, and then dried under the hot pepper, pepper, bean paste, etc. smell a little after the spill turned into Chicken copied several times,

Put ginger, onions, etc. into the qian cooking sauce, quick stir fry, add peanut stir fry, clean wok transfer to a plate Serve!

Also: If you want the color not so monotonous, you can add a little green cucumber Ding, Ding Tai peppers (green, red), not much, merely adjust the color.

Features: golden color into a dish, chicken is tender, peanuts crispy, slightly sweet and sour Xianla


One of the most famous Chinese dishes and a perennial foreigner forite is Kung Pao Chicken (gongbao jiding). This dish first became popular in Sichuan and its legendary origin is a good example of the willingness of Chinese chefs to improvise. However, this tendency sometimes leads to unfortunate dishes like a concoction currently popular in Beijing known as 'deep fried ice-cream on toast'. Gongbaojiding is one of the good ones though.

Ding Baozhen served under the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) Emperor Xianfeng as the governor of Shandong province. One day he arrived home with a group of friends, but his cook hadn't prepared for guests, and had but a meager chicken breast and some vegetables in the kitchen. The cook diced the chicken into tiny bits, and fried it up with cucumber, peanuts, dried red peppers, sugar, onion, garlic, bits of ginger - sundry ingredients that had been lying around the bottom of the cupboard.

Ding Baozhen and his guests really enjoyed the improvised meal, so much so that it became a regular item on the menu. Eventually, Ding Baozhen was promoted to Governor General of Sichuan province. His cook w ent with him to Sichuan where he began experimenting with the local produce, including hot broad bean sauce and Sichuan chili peppers. Soon the humble chicken dish was all the rage in the province. The people honored Ding Baozhen by naming the dish after his official name, Gongbao. (His surname 'Ding' has nothing to with the "ding" in gongbaojiding which simply means cube or piece.) The moral of this story is that if you work hard at your craft, like Ding Baozhen's chef, one day a dish will be named after your boss.


300 grams chicken breasts cut into 1.5crr


50 grams peanuts

20 grams dry red chili peppers, cut intc

1.5cm sections

2 grams Chinese prickly ash

1 tbsp cornstarch mixed with water

2 grams sliced ginger

2 grams diced garlic

2 grams scallions


10 grams soy sauce

10 grams vinegar

15 grams sugar

10 grams Chinese cooking wine

1 tbsp cornstarch mixed with water

Mix chicken cubes with soy sauce, salt and cooking wine. Add 1 tablespoon wet starch and mix. Make the sauce by mixing soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, and the other tablespoon of wet starch in clear stock Soak the peanuts in warm water for a while. Remove the skin, and

drain. Stir-fry over a low fire until crisp. Put aside for later use.

Heat cooking oil in a wok over a high flame until hot. Add chili peppers and Chinese prickly ash and fry until golden brown. Add chicken

cubes and stir to prevent from sticking together. Add ginger, garlic and scallions and stir. Pour in the sauce and blend well. Add fried peanuts and stir. Remove to a plate and serve.




spicy hot bean curd


麻辣豆腐:Spicy hot bean curd|Bohnenk?se gepfeffert

麻辣豆腐〔中菜名:cayenne peppered bancurd



sizzling beef steak


铁板牛肉:Sizzling beef|Sizzling Beef Steak

铁板牛肉法士达:sizzling steak fajitas

铁板烧牛肉:Beef Fajitas|Beef on hot plate




酸辣或葱油土豆丝:Spicy &Sour Or Spring Onion Shredded Potatoes



夜市小吃英文? ...



咖哩牛肉片BEEF CURRY ...



青椒炒肉:Lovetm|fried green_pepper and meat

青椒炒肉粒:Str-fred por cubes th green peppers



kung pao chicken


宫保鸡丁:Kung Pao Chicken

宫保鸡丁 -:Kung pow chicken

宫保炒鸡丁:Sauteed Diced Chicken With Dried Chili And Cashewnut

红烧排骨 [hóng shāo pái gǔ]


spareribs braised in brown sauce


红烧排骨:spareribs with brown sauce

红烧排骨面:pork rib w/ noodle

瓦煲红烧排骨:Stewed Five Spice Ribs



oil on pachoi



steamed pork with riceflour


米粉蒸肉:steamed pork with fice flower

荷叶米粉蒸肉:pork steamed with rice flour in lotus lees



beer with roast duck


烧鸭:Roast duck

明炉烧鸭:Roast Duck

菠萝蜜烧鸭片:Sliced roast duck with pinele

1.鱼香肉丝fish-floured shredded pork with chili

2.宫保鸡丁the diced chicken with peanuts

3.麻婆豆腐the spicy and hot bean curd

4.红烧鸡丝翅Chicken Shark's Fin Soup

5.椒盐排骨Pepper Salt Spareribs

6.杨州炒饭Yang Chow Fried Rice

7.豉椒焖排骨Spareribs w/ Black Bean, Pepper

8.菜远炒牛肉Broccoli Beef

9.凉瓜炒牛肉Bitty Melon Beef

10.黑椒牛仔骨Black Pepper Short Rib

11.椒盐牛仔骨Pepper Salt Short Rib

12.中式牛柳Chinese Style Beef

13.四川牛肉Szechuan Beef

14.干扁牛柳丝String Beef

15.柠檬牛肉Lemon beef