

3.鸡蛋汤 做法英文






英文意思是:A halogen egg roach

英文也可以读作:The practice of brine eggs


英 [?h?l?dn] 美 [?h?l?dn]




英 [eg] 美 [?ɡ]





第三人称单数: eggs 复数: eggs 现在分词: egging 过去式: egged 过去分词: egged


英 [prt?] 美 [pro?t?]

vt.& vi.








第三人称单数: roaches 复数: roaches 现在分词: roaching 过去式: roached 过去分词: roached


作法如下,1 clean the tomatoes diced,egg and the egg shell knock,liquid force scattered spare

The.2.pan hot pot,pour the right amount of oil,transfer a small fire,add a little salt egg liquid stirring the pot,slowly add egg fried into a block (observe the duration,egg liquid can be maintained,too old to affect the taste)

Pan,heat the oil under the.3.add tomatoes,stir fry a few,add a little water and cook for about 3 minutes,were separated after the fried egg mixed fry,then add the right amount of sugar,salt and seasoning can shut the fire on the disc这个是英文的,中文我也给你打出来吧!





水煮蛋英文:boiled egg;?poached egg


鸡蛋的各式做法让人眼花缭乱,水煮蛋、炒蛋、水波蛋、荷包蛋、温泉蛋、煎蛋卷 、蒸蛋、卤蛋、松花蛋、茶叶蛋...


01 水煮蛋 +溏心蛋

水煮蛋大概是鸡蛋里面最简单的处理方式了,之前第一时间想到的 boiled egg 其实没有错。

02 炒鸡蛋

炒蛋的英文说法:scrambled eggs 。

其实也很好理解,scramble 做动词有“仓促完成、扰乱”等意思,把新鲜鸡蛋敲进热锅,混合搅拌,微微翻炒也就变成了炒蛋。

03 荷包蛋

荷包蛋(Fried Egg)的名堂就比较多了,一般来说荷包蛋是指双面都煎过的蛋。

鸡蛋汤 做法英文

One Make water on the pot.

2 master Xiang La Niurou surface.

3 water to open the noodles into the pot.

4 bag of noodles with chopsticks pick.

5 put into the seasoning packet

6 ready to cut in the middle of the egg

7 noodles served in a bowl, put the eggs on top.



The practice of egg soup

* Ingredients:

Tender lees 25 grams, egg 3, rice wine 15 grams, the amount of broth, salt amount, a little MSG, soy sauce, a little cooked chicken oil 10 grams.

* Operation:

1, the eggs knock into the peas, add the rice wine, a little salt, stir;

2, the pan get angry, into the broth, tender lees into the boiling, add rice wine, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, into the egg and let it boil again, the Drizzle oil in a bowl and eat cooked chicken.


·配 料:


·操 作:




Ingredients: rice bowl, eggs, 2.

Ingredients: oil, salt, green onion, pepper and noodles.

Approach: first to lay two eggs, stirring all placed inside the pan fried, then fried into the rice mixture. After penetrating into the hot rice, a little salt, half a chopped green onion, pepper side a little, and then you can pan the.

Key: 1, rice to the northeast of rice, the South rice not work. Steamed rice make good, there is no steam can not make a good meal is a good Egg Fried Rice's. 2, oil should be a little more in order to make sense out of a grain of rice You Wangwang suitable. 3 scallions to post-release. 4, eggs must be mixed evenly, in the process of mixing do not turn on the water. Scrambled eggs when the eggs should fry pieces, floccus better. 5, the furnace should preferably 300-500 degrees

IMPORTANT: Do not egg the pot of high oil temperature, rapid and slippery fried dispersed

Left-shovel-song is not the pot, add water slowly

Egg Fried Rice Make sure not to put MSG, MSG would not put the egg flor of the

No matter which roach you use the following, there are several in common.

1. Must be a Leftover rice. Such speculation is mainly out of San sparse. Leftovers into the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap do not he to put the night. There is no money to go out into the gears Tatema discuss points inside.

2. Without regard to health issues, animal Youchao definitely come out delicious than using vegetable oil.

3. Mixing eggs rarely he to add a little water, so easy to crumble after the Chaochu eggs.

4. Do not greed, eggs, fewer eggs than the rice will not be more than delicious.

1 Basic Law: Chives Egg Fried Rice

1. Egg breaking, stirring, salt, add a little bit of water.

2. Take shallot Jigen, as long as light blue, cut at the end.

3. Fire, eggs, fry golden yellow, with the spatula into something small, the smaller the better.

4. A small fire, into the rice along with fried, a little salt, rice should be fried into a crystal-like.

5. Clean wok stir fry front of a few very light blue.

2 he it both ways: pickles Egg Fried Rice (which can Zuo beer, full stomach)

1. Ibid

2. Ibid

3. Yibin sprouts (preserved vegetables, mustard will do) cut into the end of

4. The same .3

5. Add bean sprouts, stir-fry was a little coke, extract a flor.

6. The same .4,5

3 Trinity: dried radish, Egg Fried Rice (high in protein, chlorophyll, starch and eat it)

1. The same .1,2

2. Take pepper 1 seeded (vegetables are all OK, I am inclined to green peppers, and sometimes even with Zhitian Jiao), mince mix eggs, pay attention to the eggs, do not add water.

3. The same .3,4,5

4 Hu Jia's Egg Fried Rice

Hu said his feet endlessly because the wife that she would cook the rice.

1. Egg smashed, more some salt, vegetable oil a little, stirring evenly.

2. Eggs, juice, stirring into the rice evenly.

3. Place for a while, so that egg soak rice tasty.

4. Inverted oil and stir fry until golden fire. Add scallion stalk.

But I finished this meal would think that Hu could kick his wife, and not as good as the first three delicious.

Egg Fried Rice purpose must be simple.

Strictly speaking it is a kind of seasoning on the king ----- seasoning, salt. Be careful that the tongue of brackish feeling.

As to what pork fried rice, assorted fried rice, fried rice and even anxious to film is another matter abalone

1. Sausage Egg Fried Rice


Sausage, 2, 6 cabbage lees, 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons salad oil, 1 onion, 3 bowls of rice, seasonings and a little parsley, salt and pepper and a little MSG.


1. Sausage cut into small pieces, cabbage are cut into small pieces.

2. Heat the pan, put 3 tablespoons oil, will absorb the egg cream to fight under the fast-shovel turn, about 7 minutes or so can be cooked.

3. The rice, sausage, green onion into the pot, stir with the spatula back side of the open side of stir fry rice balls, re-entry seasonings.

4. Finally cabbage into the pot, gently stir fry until soft can be fried.

2. Ham Egg Fried Rice


2 small bowl of rice, a little ham, peas, carrots and corn a little Ren, 1 egg, diced green onion 1 tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon and a half, MSG 0.5 tsp pepper 1 tsp.


1. Sheep ham dices, carrot also go to Piqie Ding, Jen will be peas, carrots, corn kernels into the boiling water along with Nakagawa after burns out; quickly fry an egg broke up seven points and cooked pot re-entry.

2. Add rice, ham, Ding, Ding carrots, peas, kernels, corn kernels, stir well after adding seasonings, topped with diced green onion, mix well can be.

3. Yangzhou fried rice


3 small bowl of rice, shrimp 20 grams, 50 grams of pork, cooked ham 25 grams, 25 grams of cooked chicken liver, bamboo shoots 25 grams, 25 grams of green peas, onion 1, Shaoxing rice wine 25 grams, egg 2.


1. Egg mix, green beans boiled with salt pork cut into filaments, ham, chicken livers, bamboo shoot dice, onion chopped green onion. From the pan, over medium heat fry the eggs cooked seven points later, placed in rice, seasonings, diced green onion, stir well transfer to a plate.

2. From the pan, put 1 tsp oil, first shrimp, pork fry after they joined the small ham, chicken livers Ding, Ding bamboo shoots, green beans, salt, monosodium glutamate, and Shaoxing rice wine, stir well after the clean wok and pour in the the surface of rice can be. !! THANK YOU



The production process of scrambled eggs with tomatoes:?


Wash the tomatoes and cut them into pieces and put them on the plate.


Put the eggs in the bowl. ?


Turn on the gas stove and put the pot on the fire.Put in 3 spoon vegetable oil after the pot is hot. When the oil is slightly hot, put the eggs into the pot, stir them after they are formed, and then fry them and put them into the plate.?


Put another spoon of vegetable oil, put the prepared tomatoes into the pot and stir fry, put a spoon of sugar and a little salt.


then put the scrambled eggs into the pot and stir fry together, 20 seconds later, you can get out of the pot.


This dish is sour, sweet, delicious and nutritious. It's also the first very simple beauty dish for women, so I like it very much.

番茄炒鸡蛋(英文名:Scrambled eggs with tomatoes)









Tomato scrambled eggs raw materials:

3 eggs, 150 grams tomatoes, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount of one tablespoon of sugar.

Production process:

1, will be washed tomatoes in boiling water for hot look after, peeled, untiringly, slice READY.

2, the eggs into the bowl, salt, whipping with chopsticks full uniform stand.

3, add 3 tablespoons of oil released fry, Add the eggs pot stand out炒熟Sheng.

4 Heat the remaining oil, stir fried chip under the tomatoes, salt, sugar speculation moment, stir eggs into a few出锅accompli.

此菜frying, it is necessary to旺火crash. Although this dish is the most common dishes, but speculation of a known good or bad. This is really a cooking technique. Eggs can add water to make starch爽滑eggs taste better.